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Broken Beyond Belief...

Published By Parables is in the process of locating and putting together an incredible collection of true stories about twenty amazing people who were...

Broken Beyond Belief –

But Not Beyond Faith.

Many people struggle to move forward in life! At some point they seem to make forward progress! Then, inexplicably, the long arm of the past grabs them and pulls them backward! They’re suddenly overwhelmed and stymied by deep, dark feelings of guilt, shame, regret (and more) as the negative forces become their constant companions! These dark feelings rush to the surface, paralyzing them with fear, anxiety, despair, depression and more – they’re shattered – and stuck!

Into our Shattered Lives

Jesus “restores” our Hearts!

Into our Shattered Families

Jesus “restores’ our Homes!

Into our Shattered World

Jesus “restores” our Hope!

When we look backward at some of the situations we've had to deal with or some of the choices we have made, or some of the tragedies that have marred our lives, we think, if only I had a second chance.

Sometimes when we make a mistake in life it feels so final, you may think it’s all over for you; but, know this – God is a God who provides that much needed second chance. There’s a new day coming! Our past failures are not final and our pain need not be fatal! Know this -- Your yesterdays don’t always have to determine your tomorrows!

Published By Parables is in the process of locating and putting together an incredible collection of true stories of twenty amazing people who were Broken Beyond Belief – But Not Beyond Faith.

Perhaps the title describes your experience: You may be one of the twenty whose story needs to be told – or you know someone whose story needs to be shared.

Broken Beyond Belief is not intended to be a how-to book, or a 10-steps-to-greatness book. This is a raw and vulnerable collection of true stories written by salt-of-the-earth people who bounced back from the bottom -- by the power of Jesus Christ.

Contact me. You may be one of the twenty -- or know someone who should be included. Think of the lives that could be changed. Think of the people who could be touched. You've been there. You've done that. You've climbed out of that deep dark hole. The marriage was saved. You're the prodigal who who returned. The addiction is broken. You were Broken Beyond Belief...But Not Beyond Faith.

John Dee Jeffries

CEO/Acquisitions Editor

Published By Parables

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