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Faith and Frailty

When we’re surrounded by darkness, when adversity comes and we feel weak, frail and alone, though we may not always realize it -- we can choose our response. We choose to become anxious, fearful and weak or we can choose to become stronger as we pass through the adversity. We choose to stand tall, cast our cares on Him and rely on the strength of God or we choose to shrink back – puzzled by the whole affair.

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Sometimes, on dark days, the skies are overcast, blanketed with clouds. Nevertheless, even though I cannot see the sun I know the sun is there. So too, no matter how dark your days may be, God, even though unseen, is still there – with you and for you – to help you.

Again, know this. There is a God. Never doubt it. To find God, it is essential that we take that first step – "repent" and "turn away from" something (sin) and exercise "faith" and "turn to“ Someone (Christ). Receive Him. Invite Him into your life – now.

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Ezekiel, Jeremiah (the weeping prophet), Habakkuk, Job and other people in the Bible had similar Dark Night of the Soul experiences. Through these experiences they often encountered their own frailty as they sensed what appeared to be the absence of God. Jeremiah is the penman of the probing question – “In times of trouble, why is God a stranger in the land?”

Do you feel empty, restless, lonely, lost – helpless or hopeless? Does God seem distant? Are you struggling to find God? Take Heart! Have Heart! Invite Him into your heart – now.

Hope is the Confident Expectation that somehow God is going to work things out – even when He is nowhere to be found. Hope is that sense of certainty infused by God that assures us that somehow everything is going to be OK.

Hopeless situations fill our heads with false perceptions about God, about ourselves, about life.

What’s puzzling you? What frailties and weaknesses are being exposed? Which are being denied? And, where do you go? And, what do you do?

Hint #1 -- If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God and God alone. [James 1:5-6].

Hint #2 – Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He’s the one who will keep you on track. [Proverbs 3:5 The Message]

Hint #3 -- [Jesus said] “…without Me you can do nothing. [John 15:5]. “How can I do this,” you ask, “if I can’t sense God’s presence?” Answer: By faith. Remember, faith is a choice, not a feeling.

“Faith says it is so,” wrote Ras Rasmullen in Fullness Magazine, “faith says it is so when it does not appear to be so because God says it is so.”

We struggle. We battle. We decide. The choice, the decision that we make leads us to experience either the presence or the absence of God.

-- When I Can’t Find God

Dr. John Dee Jeffries

selected excerpts Chapter 2 - Faith and Frailty

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