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A Call. A Gift. A Grace (Brooks)

There is something sweet, something special, that God places inside each of His children. Whether you describe it as a call, or a gift, or a grace, if you are a child of God, you have it. It is that special something that God has placed inside of you. That gift or call must first be discovered, then developed, then deployed.

Christian Author Grace Brooks first discovered that call when she was but a child at the tender age of eight. She has been developing and deploying her gift and fulfilling her call from that day to this.

Christian author Grace Brooks was born in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada. At age eighteen she went west to Manitoba to her first job in a tuberculosis sanatorium in Ninette, Manitoba. She currently resides in the Pas, Manitoba with her husband, Dennis, and their pet Papillion.

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Grace's publishing credits include A Dog For Keeps, The Asquinn Twins: Frontier Life, The Asquinn Twins: Where The Trail Forks, The Asquinn Twins: No Greener Pastures, and the Asquinn Twins; Sihon. She is currently working on Book Seven in the series. Grace is also an ongoing contributor to the Baptists For Liberty magazine and will soon have an article published in Seniors magazine in Manitoba.

1/ What genres do you enjoy reading?

A: I enjoy Y/A, Mystery, and family type movies, and the odd romance.

2/What genres do you write? What age groups are your books for?

A: Really, my writing is without age limits. I write Christian/YA for ages twelve and up.

3/Tell us a little about your latest release. Where did you get the inspiration from?

A:My latest release is The Asquinn Twins: Sihon. Summer vacation has started for the students in the Bapist christian School. Sihon Asquinn, adopted son of Martin and Audrey Asquinn, wants to remain with the family that took him in as a toddler. But Sihon's billionaire Uncle Conrad Cameron has other ideas. he writes Sihon, inviting the boy to his summer esidence on the shore of Georgian bay. Sihon doesn't want to go. Sihon is thirteen years old and doesn't have much say in the matter. He goes to his uncle's where he learns secrets about his family. One is Uncle Conrad lured him here to groom him to inherit the millions of dollars do him because of his family linage. Sihon doesn't want the money. He wants to keep on living a Christian life.

The inspiration came from an incident in my life when a little girl in Ontario. When I wrote the first book, other ideas for a series sprang into my mind.

4/What are you working on now?

A/ I'm working on a sequel to A Dog for Keeps. This book was published as a grade three reader in 1987. I'm attempting to make an ebook sequel.

5/Tell us about your creative process. Do you outline, or just write wherever the story takes you? What does your workspace look like? Do you have any habits or quirks when you are writing?

A/ I used to write wherever the story took me. Since a writer in residence took me through the writing process and taught me more about plot, I outline and research and make sure I know my characters by writing descriptions of each major, minor and in between character. My workspace is neat, I think so anyway.

6/ What do you find to be the hardest part of writing a novel?

A/ I find writing the first page of the novel to be the hardest. So much has to be introduced to the reader here, especially in a series. Characters from the previous books need to be introduced early so the reader will know later on who this character is.

7/What about the easiest? What part of the writing process just feels natural for you?

A/If there is an easy part of writing, I'd say from Chapter Two onwards to the last chapter. Sometimes bringing the book to a believable conclusion is an art in it's self.

Grace Brooks wants to thank you for sharing this information with others.

Here are links to The Asquinn Twins Come To Forest Lake and other books written by Grace Brookes:

The Asquinn Twins Come To Forest Lake

And Other Books written by Grace Brookes

Other Publications

A Dog For Keeps

Snow Queen's Forever Home

Audio book

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