Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired!

He was a drunk, a full-blown alcoholic – and in trouble! He sat across from me in the church office and shared a sad, sordid story that eventually destroyed his family and landed him in jail.
He was a drunk, a full-blown alcoholic – but he wouldn’t admit it!
Some say that the alcoholic is the last to know that he is an alcoholic. Wrong! He is the first to know! He just won’t admit it!
Denial keeps him from admitting it. Playing the blame game keeps him from admitting it. Rationalization keeps him from admitting it. Justification keeps him from admitting it.
And, the man across from me was using all of the avoidance mechanisms he could muster to avoid admitting that he was indeed a full-blown alcoholic.
There are two things (broad categories) that help push an alcoholic/drug addict toward recovery – Pain and Power.
Pain and Power brought the man across from me to my office. The Pain of being under the Power of the judicial system. He was in trouble with the law, just released from an overnight stay in jail and that Power – the Power of the Law -- was causing him Pain.
But, his pain was not yet great enough.
“Sir,” say’s I, “you’ve not yet hurt enough. There’s the door of my office. Go out and hurt some more. When you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, that door will still be there. Walk through it and we’ll work on your recovery.”
He left adamantly protesting that he was not an alcoholic. Money eventually helped him work his way through the legal system and he emerged with only a slap on the hands.
Seven years later, however, he stuck his head through the door of my office. “I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. Can you help me?”
“No,” say’s I, “but God can! And God did!
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God Can! And, God Did!
Sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Enough Is Enough!
You’re at the End of your Rope!
Bottomed Out!
You’ve had enough!
You can’t go any further!
You can’t take it anymore!
Everyday is….
Another Grueling Grind!
Another Losing Battle
More Stress
More Struggles
You’re [finally] sick and tired of being sick and tire!
Now that you’re,,,
Sick and tired of being sick and tired
God can – and God will!
So, let me ask a question.
Are you really sick and tire of being sick and tired?
Or, Do you have to go out and hurt some more?
God knows exactly how to break the chains that bind! That’s His expertise! He specializes in setting those who are captive free! Liberty and Liberation – He’s been at it for tens of thousands of years.
And, the first step?
(Read the following out loud – Make it a Faith Declaration to God!)
Enough Is Enough!
I’m at the End of my Rope!
I’ve Bottomed Out!
I’ve had enough!
I can’t go any further!
I can’t take it anymore!
Everyday is, for me….
Another Grueling Grind!
Another Losing Battle
More Stress More Struggles
Lord, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tire!
I Know You Can – And, I Know You Will – Set Me Free!
I turn my will and my live over to You! I do! Amen.
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Dr. John Dee Jeffries