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The Christian Author: February 2016

Question: Can Christian fiction appropriately communicate Christian truth? Is Christian fiction an adequate venue to reveal Christian truth?

What follows is an excerpt from The Last Martyr, Published By Parables. In our estimation The Last Martyr (and other works like it) -- introduces and orients the reader to critical biblical thinking -- with a clarity that fosters biblical thought and facilitates Bible comprehension.

An Excerpt…

There is something that must be established at this point, something vital. In the writing of and in the reading of a work such as this, you, the reader, and I, the writer, bring certain convictions with us. On some points, our convictions may be compatible. On other points, our convictions may differ. On still other points, our convictions may clash. This is the common experience of all people of faith. It seems that we can agree on many things but not all things.

Because this is so there is something that must be interjected at this point, some fundamental convictions that I embrace and bring with me to this work:

First, the Bible is Truth, God’s Truth. It is Truth without any mixture of error. The Bible, and the Bible alone, is the standard of measure for all things pertaining to faith and practice – life and righteousness. People of biblical faith will embrace this fundamental conviction and be nurtured and challenged by what I have written. People of unbelief will be challenged too – as they explore and examine their unbelief.

Second, people of biblical faith have convictions built upon the Truth of God’s Word. Hear me. He who writes what you are reading knows what he is talking about: God’s Truth is greater than our convictions. Convictions grip us. They give us spiritual backbone. They help us to stand in the midst of swirling theological controversy, troubling trials and adversity. Nevertheless, even though we value our convictions and, indeed, even though our convictions are valuable, God’s Word, God’s Truth, is greater than our convictions. Our convictions are subservient, always subservient, to the Truth of God’s Word; not the other way around. The Truth – God’s Word -- is the standard of measure – not our convictions. May you discern the difference and be transformed by the renewing of your mind as you put on the mind of Christ.

Third, proceeding from convictions are principles. Convictions grip us. Principles guide us. Principles add flavor, shape and color to our convictions and their expression in life.

Fourth, flowing out of our principles are predilections and preferences, options and opinions – and from all of these -- choices -- and, that is where the rubber meets the road: we make choices and choices have consequences. And, it is here, in the consequences, that our destinies are shaped and our testimonies are shared.

-- The Last Martyr by Dr. John Dee Jeffries

selected excerpt from The Prologue

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