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God Talk In Tennessee? What’d He Say?

Jonathan. His name is Jonathan. He’s a Southern Gospel singer. It’s his ministry and his gift from God. And, boy, can Jonathan sing. But, there’s something else that’s rather unique about Jonathan – his sensitivity to God’s leadership!

Jonathan tells and testifies powerfully about an experience he had while doing a “gig” in Tennessee. He was winding things down and gearing up for a long ride home when God suddenly spoke.

“The Spirit of God said, ‘Get thee over to Chattanooga – tonight!’”

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“So I drove to Chattanooga,” says Jonathan. Once in Chattanooga Jonathan shared “I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know where to go. I didn’t know where I was; but, God surely did! I pulled to the side of the road, only to discover that I was actually “right” where I was to be!”

Directly across from where Jonathan parked was a honky-tonk, or, as we call them in the city, a strip joint! “I went to the side door of the place,” related Jonathan. “I felt led of the Lord (no trance, no vision, just led of the Lord!)”

A man opened the side door; and, once again Jonathan did as he was told. “Mister,” says Jonathan, “I’m a Southern Gospel singer and I don’t know what in the world I’m doing here. But, here I am – and I’m sure you’re going to think I’m crazy, but -- Mister, God told me to give a message to a girl named Candy. Do you have a girl named Candy who works here!”

“Ya say God sent ya’, huh? Hold on I’ll get her.”

Jonathan was shocked. A few minutes later a young girl came to the side door. “Candy, I don’t know you and you don’t know me and to tell you the truth I don’t even know why I’m here; but, I’m a Southern Gospel singer and God told me to ask for you by name and deliver you a message. God said for me to tell you that THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!

The young dancer burst into tears. “Mister,” says she, “would you drive me home – to my momma and to my daddy!” And he did. As they drove to her parent’s home she shared that her daddy was a preacher and that she was a prodigal daughter who had left her father’s house for the glitter of Chattanooga. She also shared that God revealed to her in a dream that a man she did not know would come shortly to deliver her a final message from God!

As they pulled up to the home all of the lights were on, “which was strange because it was nearly 3 a.m. in the morning,” said Jonathan. Standing on the porch was a man – her daddy! As she ran from the car Jonathan said the preacher daddy gave her a giant hug then said, “Go on inside. You momma’s on her knees praying for you. God told us that you were coming home tonight – we been waiting!”

In John 10:27 Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me…” In Acts 16 Luke relates that Paul’s missionary journey took him “to Phrygia and the region of Galatia,” but they “were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia… (God told them where to go and where not to go)”

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John Dee Jeffries

CEO/Acquisitions Editor

Published By Parables

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